I met Ryan at BMX Masters in Cologne, Germany. I liked his BMX riding and personal stlye and I asked if he would give us an interview. He was in, soo here it is 🙂 Click on the ‘tovább‘ button to read the whole stuff with videos, pictures, bike + sneaker check 🙂
Magyar olvasóinknak: Ezt az interjút ide kattintva magyarul is elolvashatjátok.

Ryan Taylor interview, sneaker and bike check
Tell a few words about yourself!
Hey guys, my name is Ryan Taylor, I ride BMX and I have been riding for 4 years now, my current sponsors are Amity Bike Co, Rockstar Energy Drink, Hookups from Nike 6.0. I ride my bike pretty much everyday and when I’m not riding BMX I’m either riding my pitbike, or just chilling with friends 🙂
How does it feel being a BMX rider in Walsall (or Birmingham)? Are there in the neighborhood good possibilites to ride?
Yeah, I like it! The scene isn’t crazy in Birmingham but we have a lot of good riders for sure and there is a really good indoor park called Creation Skatepark. Street is not so good, but there are like six outdoor parks near me, so it’s pretty sweet!
Dirt, street, park? What is your favourite and why?
Dirt is soo fun and I like it alot. Street is awesome too but I’m really more of a park rider. But I can ride anything and it’s all fun 🙂
What does BMX mean to you – but in just one word?
In just one word easy! FUN haha
What inspires you to get to the next level?
Seeing other people get soo good and watching web video`s of other riders who I look up to!
You will soon leave to the USA. What are you going to do there?
Yeah, I go back to Greenville, NC at the start of September for a few months. It’s always a lot of fun out there. It’s my 3rd time there now soo its gonna be awesome to see all my friends again and ride with: Ryan Guettler, Josh Perry, Kelly Bolton, Brandon Christie, James Foster – but seriously there is to many to name haha! 😀

Merry Christmas @ Mirra's Warehouse 🙂
Are competitions important to you?
Yeah, I like to do well in a contest but I’m not really serious at contests. I like more to chill and have fun and if I do well I do well, if I don’t do well I have still had fun it’s just always a good time 🙂
Looking back to all competitions in your life which achievement are you the most proud of?
Maybe my first contest Nass 2009 were I qualified. I was soo psyched I was expecting to get last place haha!
Tell us a few words about BMX Masters 2010! What did you like and what not? What was the most memorable for you?
Oh man, Cologne is nuts! But I liked the supermodel girl who I was with and she had big fake boobs it was awesome haha! And didn’t like German police!
Most memorable was the police man telling me to get the fuck out of his face in perfect English haha.

Ryan at BMX Masters trails in Cologne and at FISE, France (Photo: M. Toucanne)
I’m not surprised you don’t like German Police, because you got arrested in Cologne. Tell us the whole story 😉
Well we had a taxi back from the rider’s party at Gloria Club back to the hotel and it was going fine then we realised we had no money left so my friend jumped out to run to the hotel room to get some money. So he did and he come back with it and payed the guy his taxi fare. But the guy was so pissed of at me forlying all over his back seats he decided to lock me in. And I was so drunk I broke out of the car and then punched his back door making a rather big dent!
So me and my friend ran back into the hotel and went to bed, laughing and joking. 20 minutes later the police bang on the door and then just barge in walking over my bike on the floor they just grab me and say „come wiz me” so I was like oh fuck!! Then I got arrested by German police and put in a cell for half hour and this was the night before park finals, dirt finals, spine finals so pretty nuts but also funny!!

English Gentlemen 😀
Tell us how a ‘typical day’ in the ‘life of Ryan’ looks like 😀
Pretty much just wake up get breakfast, check out the internet, play xbox for a bit then go ride and just hang out with friends 🙂
When was the last time you were inside of a school building? 😉 Do you miss it? 😉
I was in a school building about 3 years ago and i deffinatly dont miss it! haha 😀
When and how you turned pro?
Turned pro last year and from riding my arse off all the time and making a lot of web videos!
What brands are your sponsors? How did you get 6.0 sponsorship?
Amity Bike Co, Rockstar Energy Drink, Hookups from Nike 6.0 and just one day had an e-mail from Nike 6.0 and went from there 🙂
We saw you riding in Nike 6.0 Air Mogan Mid shoes. Is this your favourite style of 6.0 shoes?
Yeah, the Nike 6.0 Mogan Mids in green are my favourite! I like Mogan Mids to ride in and Mavrks to chill in 🙂

Ryan in his Nike 6.0 Air Mogan Mid shoes
If you would be asked to design a signature shoe how would they look like? What do you think is important for BMX shoes?
I would like them with harder front`s harder side`s and more protection on the heel, but in the same style as the Mogan Mids?
Do you own many pairs of shoes?
Right now I have about 6 pairs of shoes at home because all of my old ones I give away to friends!

Ryan Taylor's Nike 6.0 shoes
Ryan Taylor bike check
This is a brand new setup Ryan will test durnig his US trip.
Frame: Amity Bike Co Russo
Forks: Amity Bike Co Jesus Fork`s
Bars: Amity Bike Co Basement Bar`s
Grips: ODI Longneck
Brake Lever: Odyssey Medium Lever
Brake Cables: Snafu Astroglide
Stem: Amity bike`s Prototype (excellent design)
Headset: FSA Impact
Gyro: Odyssey GTXR
Seat/Post: Amity Bike`s Seat Post, Macniel Fat Capital seat.
Wheels SetUp: Front+Back, Primo Balance rim Profile Hubs in pearlescent white, KHE tyres rear has a 10t titanium driver
Chain: Shadow Conspiracy
Cranks: Amity Bike Co Zenta Crank.
Pedals: Premium Slim Plastic Pedals
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